Golconda, located in the state of Telangana, India, is historically renowned for its diamond mines, which produced some of the most famous diamonds in the world. The region surrounding the Golconda fort, particularly along the banks of the Krishna River, was rich in diamond deposits. These diamonds are notable for their exceptional quality, including clarity, color, and size.
Golconda was one of the world’s first sources of diamonds and was highly prized in the ancient and medieval periods. The diamonds from this region were known for their brilliance and high-quality, making them highly sought after by royalty and wealthy merchants. Some of the most famous diamonds in history were discovered in the Golconda region, including:
Koh-i-Noor: One of the most famous diamonds in the world, now part of the British Crown Jewels
Hope Diamond: A deep blue diamond, currently housed in the Smithsonian Institution
Darya-i-Noor A large, pale pink diamond, part of the Iranian Crown Jewels.
Regent Diamond: Known for its exceptional clarity and size, it is now on display at the Louvre Museum in Paris.
.99 carats / 6.3 x 4.3 x 3.9 mm
Estimated Value: $325 - $350